ADHD: What does it mean?

by | 15. January 2020

ADHD: What does it mean?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and belongs to the group of behavioural disorders that include an emotional component. The main symptoms are inattention, motor restlessness (hyperactivity) and increased impulsiveness.

ADHD is the most frequently diagnosed psychiatric disease in childhood and adolescence. In Switzerland, approximately 3-5% of all children suffer from ADHD. Boys are up to six times more likely to be affected than girls. According to statistics, the worldwide incidence is 5%. Of those affected in childhood, 60% continue to suffer symptoms in adulthood.

The causes of ADHD are still not fully understood. Among other things, a disturbed signal transmission in the brain is suspected to be responsible. This leads to disturbances in so-called control loops, whereby – presumably for genetic reasons – either too much or too little of the neurotransmitters noradrenalin and dopamine are available in the synaptic cleft. The symptoms are more or less pronounced depending on the involvement of the control loop. Affected persons usually suffer from an overdrive of the system and a loss of the ability to ‘structure and select’ external stimuli.


How is ADHD diagnosed?

In addition to a detailed physical examination, conventional medical diagnosis is based on the World Health Organization’s multiaxial ‘ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders’. This tests intelligence level, specific learning disabilities, reading and spelling skills, physical illnesses, psychosocial circumstances and adaptation. Patients who visit the Alpstein Clinic for ADHD have usually already undergone all of these tests. We expand the diagnostic possibilities and, in addition to a detailed medical history and physical examination, we also carry out the following tests and examinations:

  • Laboratory tests to exclude deficiency symptoms, food allergies and metabolic disorders
  • Vital field examinations (measurement of the electromagnetic body field) to detect hidden interference fields
  • Optional: Vital blood tests (dark field examination) and many other diagnostic examinations, as required

Subsequently, an individual treatment concept is drawn up, taking into account the test results, the constitution of the individual, and the family situation.


Possible therapy approaches for ADHD

The treatments are decided individually and include, depending on the individual’s test results:

  • Supplementation according to the laboratory test results
  • Nutritional advice with optimisation of the diet planEnergetic therapies (vital field therapy)
  • Conversational therapies with body-centred work (if necessary)
  • Coaching of the child and the family
  • Infusion therapies
  • Neural therapy/mesotherapy

The aim of these treatments is to create a relaxed family structure, to reduce the suffering for the affected person and their surroundings, to compensate for possible deficiencies, and to achieve harmonization and regulation at all levels. Administration of methylphenidate is not sought. Optionally, homeopathic constitutional treatment by means of individual homeopathic remedies can be helpful here, in addition to the other possibilities mentioned.


Arrange a non-binding initial consultation now

Would you like to learn more about holistic treatment of ADHD in an initial consultation with our team of doctors? Take a few moments to fill out our medical questionnaire and make an appointment now.