Much more than a classic check-up
Alpstein PREMIUM Check-up™

Based on an integral matrix concept
Individualized Check-up plan

Whole body examination for individualized prevention and therapy planning
Holistic medical anamnesis and examination
Holistic dental anamnesis and examination
Based on your dental, periodontal, radiological and craniomandibular symptoms and results, we will provide you with a personalised treatment modality after a thorough dental examination according to your specific needs. Finally, you will be presented with a sensible and clear overview/analysis, allowing you to see any connections between your general health symptoms arising from dental concerns and consequently allowing harmonization with your whole-body. According to your wishes, we apply gentle, patient oriented, minimal invasive metal free dental solutions for your teeth and for an optimal health.
Vital blood analysis in the microscopic dark field
Regulation Thermography
This provokes the body to heat regulation. From these reactions, important clues can be obtained both on disorders in the measurement area as well as on the reaction of the whole organism. RTG provides indications of unrecognized causes, especially in chronic conditions. It has gained particular importance in breast cancer prevention and follow-up care.
Global Diagnostics
Part of our mission statement is “anything that can be measured, we should measure”. Following this fundamental idea, we recommend to measure all important health risk factors, which are evidence-based. In detail, we analyse the following parameters:
- Blood gas analysis: to evaluate the acid-base balance
- Hematology: quantitative counting of all blood components
- Classic organ parameters: enzymes from kidney, liver, pancreas
- Clinical chemistry: electrolyte, protein amount, cardiovascular risk factors, homocysteine, kryptopyrrols
- Vital substances: all important Vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- Fat parameters: cholesterol and subgroups, fatty acid profile
- Tumor markers: depending on the gender
- Environmental toxins: toxic metals by using the DMPS mobilization test, organic toxins and endocrine disrupters
- Genotyping detox enzymes phase one and two
- Food and intestinal parameters: microbiome analysis, food allergy test using 90 important components, histamine intolerance test
- Serology of pathogens: neuro- and lympho-topic viruses, bacteria and parasites
- Hormones: thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones
Heart rate variability

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