Startseite Treatment spectrum Naturopathic medicines
Naturopathic medicinesWe use the treasures of nature
At the Alpstein Clinic, we follow a European tradition and use an extensive range of naturopathic medicines based on medicinal plants, minerals, nosodes and organ peptides. We use our natural remedies orally, as part of neural therapy (injections) and also as infusions. In most cases, they are also an important component of follow-up treatment at home.
Overview of the most important natural remedies — with examples
Phytotherapy (herbs/plants)
To activate internal organs, support regeneration and strengthen the nerves
For the natural supplementation of the body’s own hormone production
Homeopathic single remedies and complexes
To activate internal organs support regeneration
Terrain treatment, intestinal build-up, immune modulation
Spagyric and homotoxic remedies
To activate elimination and detoxification
Biological pain and anti-inflammatory agents
Frankincense, enzymes, procaine, extracts of willow bark, ash and brown root
Organ cell extracts
Regeneration and renewal according to the “homing effect” Nobel Prize 1999, Prof. Blobel (New York)
Pre- and probiotics
Bacterial cultures, humic acids, zeolite, sauerkraut, “food” for the intestinal bacteria
e.g. mistletoe, secondary plant substances such as curcumin, quercetin, broccoli extract, artemisin, mugwort

Good for the body natural remedies always first
Good for the body natural remedies always first
At the Alpstein Clinic, we use natural remedies to treat all forms of chronic illness and cancer. The indication depends on the medical necessity, the organs affected or to be strengthened and the functional circuits. Even in cases of pain, we first use natural analgesics, e.g. from willow and ash bark, and in cases of inflammation, Frankincense and secondary plant substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing powers. As a natural supplement to the body’s own hormones, we use bioidentical hormones extracted from the yam root for numerous complaints.
Naturopathy also includes homeopathy and organopeptide therapy.
The use of organopeptides in particular has proven successful in the treatment of heart disease, arthrosis, liver disease and immunomodulation.

Dr. med. Heike HerzogMedical doctor

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