Startseite Treatment spectrum Implants
A dental implant is an artificial material implanted in the body that serves as a tooth root and remains there permanently or at least for a longer period of time. It assumes functional, aesthetic, phonetic and sensory functions and thus replaces a natural tooth.
Digital planningReliable implant planning using 3D X-rays with low radiation exposure
Digital volume tomography (DVT) enables a three-dimensional spatial assessment of all anatomical structures. Knowledge of the spatial relationships of all neighboring structures enables reliable implant planning. In implantology, we use this method to reliably determine the available bone and select the best position for the implant, enabling us to plan an optimal dental prosthesis in advance. Digital implant planning also offers you the greatest possible cost transparency.
Ceramic implants -zirconium oxide
In everyday life, high-quality ceramic implants are characterized by the following features: They are metal-free and have fewer intolerances as they are better tolerated by the immune system. Thanks to their unique surface structure, they grow in more delicately, are connected to the bone for much longer and have superior physical properties. Ceramic implants are cosmetically indistinguishable from real teeth. There is no dark discoloration of the gums or grey edges around the implant crowns. They are usually bacteria-proof systems with a high degree of gum-friendliness. There is therefore a lower risk of perimucositis and peri-implantitis. This is the basis for meeting high cosmetic demands and ensuring the best possible compatibility.

Titanium implants
Titanium implants
Titanium is a well-tolerated material for many patients as, unlike other metals, genuine allergies to titanium occur less frequently. However, titanium oxide particles can detach from the surface of the implant and be deposited in the surrounding tissue. Some patients react to these titanium oxide particles with an inflammatory reaction. In these patients, the risk of implant-associated inflammation and thus implant loss is increased. With the titanium stimulation test (TST), we can test your tolerance to titanium implants in a laboratory examination.
Bone augmentationAchieve your goal faster and more safely with augmentation
There are many causes that can lead to a loss of jawbone. These include periodontal disease, tooth extractions, accidents and ill-fitting dentures. The result is an insufficient bone bed or implant site. If the patient nevertheless decides to have an implant, we have to build up bone. Otherwise, the lifespan of the implant will be shortened or it will not be possible to place an implant at all. The techniques we use successfully include socket preservation, internal and external sinus lifts, lateral and vertical augmentations and the open-guided wound healing technique. These highly specialized, minimally invasive surgical techniques, which are a daily standard procedure for us, enable us to create an optimal and healthy bone bed.

Autologous bioactive substances
Using the body’s own bioactive substances (PRF, PRGF, PRP) is low-risk, safe and based on a procedure that utilizes the ability of platelets in human blood to heal wounds. In addition to shortened and improved wound healing, pain and swelling can be significantly reduced in this way. We also improve bone formation with platelet-rich concentrates.
BTM (Bone Turnover Marker - bone metabolism)
Most patients want to have fixed teeth, including in the form of implants. However, from the age of 40, the quantity and quality of the jawbone decreases. All bones, including the jawbone, are metabolically active tissue and are subject to a constant alternation of bone resorption and formation – ideally, both processes should remain in balance. Physiological ageing shifts the balance, resulting in more breakdown and less formation and less remodeling. Biochemical bone metabolism markers (BTM) reflect the process of remodeling and are therefore decisive for the success rate of dental surgery such as tooth removal, bone augmentation and fixed dentures using implants. We use these markers to determine whether the balance is still present.

Areas of application

Dr. med. dent. Josef Vizkelety,
Dr. med. (HU), MSc Senior Dentist and Dental Director

Fixed teeth with implants at the Alpstein ClinicContact us now
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