Our team

We look after you with our team of qualified specialists, therapists and medical assistants. We accompany our treatments with passion and love for biophysiological medicine. All our employees are committed to ensuring that you feel comfortable, in good hands and competently advised in their respective fields of activity.

Our greatest strength is successfully combining the various disciplines of complementary medicine in an integrative concept to achieve exceptionally good results. We combine proven methods of conventional medicine with alternative forms of therapy.

Alpstein Medical

Dr. med. Ralf Oettmeier Chefarzt und medizinischer Direktor

Dr. med. Ralf OettmeierChief Physician and Medical Director
Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system

Thinking and acting BIO-logically, helping my patients to recover with passion and love - that's what I dedicate myself to with all my heart.

State examination




Herr Dr. Arndt Seemann

Dr. med. Arndt SeemannSpecialist in orthopaedics and traumatology FMH, specialist in surgery FMH, orthomolecular medicine, detox therapy, neural therapy, spiral dynamics® Intermediate specialist, manual medicine (MWE)

We can't change the wind, but we can change the sails.

State examination




Platzhalterbild weiblich

Dr. med. Heike HerzogPhysician, specializing in general and geriatric medicine, bioidentical hormone therapy and biological aesthetics

Health in body, mind and soul is connected with learning to accept, appreciate and love yourself!

State examination




Dr. med. Günther Bauer

Dr. med. Günther BauerSpecialist in general medicine (D)
Naturopathy, homeopathy, neuratherapy, pediatric and adolescent medicine
Hypnotherapy, spiritual healing methods

Serve and let go, then the miracle of healing can happen.

State examination




Platzhalterbild weiblich

Dr. med. Daniela MandaSpecialist in internal medicine and cardiology (D), cardiovascular intensive care and emergency medicine, cardiovascular prevention, RAVA ear acupuncture

The doctor treats, nature heals.

State examination




Beatrix Bernhardt
– Medizinische Masseurin EFA

Beatrix BernhardtMedical masseuse EFA

Eidg. dipl. Naturheilpraktikerin TEN

Maria Dobler-GisigerSwiss certified naturopath TEN

Simona Possa, Craniosacral-Therapeutin

Simona PossaCraniosacral therapist

Ana Paola Gil Eurea, Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Ana Paola Gil EureaMedical practice assistant

Tina Brunner Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Tina BrunnerMedical practice assistant

Fie Zeller, Fachfrau Gesundheit

Fie ZellerHealth specialist

Andreas Pezold Medizinischer Praxisassistent

Andreas Pezold Medical practice assistant

Sabrina Locher,
Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF

Sabrina LocherCertified nursing specialist HF

Cayan Altiner, Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Cayan Altiner Medical practice assistant

Benedetta Landvik-Mannino, Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Benedetta Landvik-ManninoMedical practice assistant

Tanja Inauen, Fachfrau Gesundheit

Tanja InauenHealth specialist

Platzhalterbild weiblich

Ursula Nägeli-EbneterEnergetician / Geomancer

Andrina Engeler, 
Leitung Privatapotheke, Pharma-Assistentin

Andrina EngelerDeputy head of private pharmacy,
pharmaceutical assistant

Reisa Music, Pharma-Assistentin

Reisa MusicPharmaceutical assistant

Alpstein Dental

Alpstein Dental

Dr. med. dent. Josef Vizkelety – Leitender Zahnarzt und Zahnmedizinischer Direktor, Dr. med. (HU) MSc; Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung

Dr. med. dent. Josef Vizkelety,
Dr. med. (HU) MSc
Senior Dentist and Dental Director

A healthy mouth, strong teeth and a beautiful smile are the gateway to a healthy body.

State examination




Platzhalterbild weiblich

Dr. med. dent. Eleni Schrüfer Integrative biological dentistry, environmental dentistry, periodontology, aesthetic dentistry, oral surgery, implantology, Invisalign therapy

A smile is the most beautiful language in the world.
(Chinese wisdom)

State examination




Janine Forrer – Eidg. dipl. Prophylaxeassistentin

Janine ForrerSwiss certified prophylaxis assistant

Altina Kastrati, Praxisadministratorin

Altina Kastrati Practice administrator

Jasmin Daassi, Dentalassistentin

Jasmin DaassiDental assistant



Annette Heusser, CEO

Annette HeusserCEO

Before I took over as CEO of the Alpstein Clinic, I was able to experience in an impressive way as a patient what biologically integrative medicine is capable of. It gives me great pleasure to see that our patients have similar experiences to the ones I have had.
Tobias Bischof, Leiter Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung

Tobias BischofCommercial Manager

Heike Lehmann, Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung

Heike LehmannAssistant to the management

Katja Grimm, Leiterin Inpatient Management

Katja GrimmHead of Inpatient Management

Maria Inauen, Fachspezialistin Leistungsabrechnung, Eidg. dipl. Spitalexpertin

Maria InauenService billing specialist, Swiss certified hospital expert

Platzhalterbild weiblich

Marianne FritscheService Accounting Specialist

Vilma Bibaj, Sachbearbeiterin Leistungsabrechnung

Vilma BibajService accounting clerk

Tamara Koller, Sachbearbeiterin Leistungsabrechnung

Tamara Koller Service accounting clerk

Kim Preising, Koordinatorin teilstationäre Patienten

Kim PreisingCoordinator for day patients

Selina Knill, Koordinatorin teilstationäre Patienten

Selina KnillCoordinator for day patients

Nele Sperr, Koordinatorin Teilstationäre Patienten

Nele SperrCoordinator Partial Inpatients

Sarah Lendenmann,
Leiterin Sekretariat

Sarah LendenmannHead of Secretariat

Jasmin Wittwer, Medizinische Sekretärin

Jasmin WittwerMedical secretary

Ramona Koller, Medizinische Sekretärin

Ramona KollerMedical secretary

Elisabeth Hunziker, Medizinische Sekretärin

Elisabeth HunzikerMedical secretary

Léane Sturzenegger, 
Medizinische Sekretärin

Léane SturzeneggerMedical secretary

Aline Isenring, Medizinische Sekretärin

Aline IsenringMedical secretary

Nicoletta Mastrandrea, Mitarbeiterin General Services/Reinigung

Nicoletta MastrandreaEmployee General Services/Cleaning

Mariastella Spalletta Capitano, Mitarbeiterin General Services/Reinigung

Mariastella Spalletta Capitano Employee General Services/Cleaning

Paula Moreira, Mitarbeiterin General Services/Reinigung

Paula MoreiraEmployee General Services/Cleaning

Platzhalterbild weiblich

Ilham Ilg-Lotfi Employee General Services/Cleaning

Teresa Cardone, Mitarbeiterin General Services/Reinigung

Teresa CardoneEmployee General Services/Cleaning

Patients about us

Visiting the Alpstein Clinic was a life-changing experience. The entire team goes out of their way to make you feel like you are part of their family.
Adam Witt and family
Patients from Australia

Vierte StufeHarmonisieren

Damit Körper, Geist und Seele wieder in Einklang zu bringen, sollte man sich selbst annehmen und wertschätzen. Dafür bieten wir Ihnen in der Alpstein Clinic ein ideales Umfeld, in dem Sie zu sich selbst finden und neue Kraft schöpfen können.

Dritte StufeRegenerieren und Stimulieren

Erholung fördern und Abwehr anregen: Mit einer grossen Palette an unspezifischen und spezifischem Immunstimulanzien, immunstärkenden Massnahmen wie Hyperthermie, Infusionen, Ozontherapie und Colonhydroptherapie stimulieren wir die humorale und zelluläre Abwehr. Das Anregen und Vitalisieren aller Organe und körperlicher Strukturen sind Komponenten unseres ganzheitlichen Konzeptes.

Zweite StufeAusleiten und Entlasten

Nun konzentrieren wir uns auf ein ausgeglichenes inneres Milieu des Körpers und schaffen damit die Basis für einen Heilungserfolg. Wichtige Instrumente sind dabei die Zahnsanierung, die Darmsanierung oder die Entgiftung der Organe. In dieser Phase setzen wir die Blut-Plasma-Doppelmembran-Filtration (INUSpherese®) und eine ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie ein und reduzieren schrittweise nebenwirkungsreiche Medikamente der konventionellen Medizin.

Step fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Step twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage oneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.

Stage fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Stage twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage OneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.