Startseite Clinic Our team
Our team
We look after you with our team of qualified specialists, therapists and medical assistants. We accompany our treatments with passion and love for biophysiological medicine. All our employees are committed to ensuring that you feel comfortable, in good hands and competently advised in their respective fields of activity.
Our greatest strength is successfully combining the various disciplines of complementary medicine in an integrative concept to achieve exceptionally good results. We combine proven methods of conventional medicine with alternative forms of therapy.
Alpstein Medical

Dr. med. Ralf OettmeierChief Physician and Medical Director
Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
Profile of Dr. med. Ralf Oettmeier
State examination
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena 1988
- Specialist 1992
- German, English
- Specialist in orthopaedics (BÄK)
- Additional qualifications in homeopathy (FMH, BÄK)
- Neural therapy (FMH)
- Acupuncture (BÄK)
- Special pain therapy (BÄK)
- Chirotherapy (BÄK)
- Naturopathy (BÄK)
- Diplomas or additional qualifications in skeletal radiology (LÄK)
- Integrative-biological cancer medicine (GfBK)
- Partial and whole-body hyperthermia (DGH)
- Psychosomatic medicine (KVT)
- Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases and cancer
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune)
- Chronic inflammations and infections of all kinds, BIO-IN2 neural therapy (combination of neural therapy with naturopathic supplements and healing suggestion)
- All relevant types of hyperthermia
- Indication homeopathy
- Naturopathic medicines and orthomolecular medicine
- PRP treatments
- Speaker and teacher for integrative biological medicine at national and international congresses
- Diverse publications and book author

Dr. med. Arndt SeemannSpecialist in orthopaedics and traumatology FMH, specialist in surgery FMH, orthomolecular medicine, detox therapy, neural therapy, spiral dynamics® Intermediate specialist, manual medicine (MWE)
Profile of Dr. med. Arndt Seemann
State examination
- Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg 1995
- German, English
- Specialist in surgery (BÄK, FMH)
- Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery (BÄK)
- Specialist in surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system (FMH)
- Foot Surgery Certificate (GFFC)
- Certificate of competence in sonography of the musculoskeletal system (SGUM)
- Chirotherapy / manual medicine (MWE)
- Specialist knowledge in rescue services and emergency medicine
- Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune)
- Chronic inflammations and infections of all kinds
- BIO-IN2 neural therapy (combination of neural therapy with naturopathic supplements and healing suggestion)
- All types of hyperthermia
- Naturopathic medicines and orthomolecular medicine
- PRP treatments

Dr. med. Heike HerzogPhysician, specializing in general and geriatric medicine, bioidentical hormone therapy and biological aesthetics
Profile of Dr. med. Heike Herzog
State examination
- Justus Liebig University Giessen 1991
- German, English, Spanish
- Specific training in general medicine / general practitioner 1995
- Médico Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria 1999
- Bioidentical hormone therapy / hormone coach
- Integrative-biological cancer medicine (GfBK)
- Biomedicine Paracelsus Academy
- Acupuncture (FANS)
- Neural therapy (FMH)
- Naturopathy (LÄK RLP)
- Dark-field microscopy
- Global Diagnostics / Vital Field Therapy (Vitatec)
- Cellsymbiosis therapy (according to Dr. H. Kremer)
- Mesotherapy and biological aesthetic treatment with PRP
- Transformation therapist / coach (short-term psychotherapy)
- Diagnostics and therapy
- chronic diseases and cancer
- of the hormonal balance in menstrual disorders, menopause, andropause - male menopause, thyroid disorders, depression, sleep disorders, burn-out, fatigue syndrome, etc.
- acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.) and infectious diseases
- for senile diseases
- Autoimmune diseases
- Neural therapy, mesotherapy and acupuncture as regulatory and pain therapy
- Vital field diagnostics and therapy for acute and chronic illnesses
- Biolifting and wrinkle treatment with autologous blood (PRP) and biological substances

Dr. med. Günther BauerSpecialist in general medicine (D)
Naturopathy, homeopathy, neuratherapy, pediatric and adolescent medicine
Hypnotherapy, spiritual healing methods
Profile of Dr. med. Günther Bauer
State examination
- Georg-August-University Göttingen 1982
- Specialist 1997
- Biology 1979
- German, English
- Specialist in general medicine (BäK)
- Additional qualification in homeopathy (BäK)
- Additional qualification in naturopathy (BäK)
- Autosystem hypnosis (BäK)
- Biocybernetics (University of Tübingen)
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, also taking into account psychological aspects, somatization reactions
- Pain therapy, migraine
- Consequences of stress and burnout
- Conflicts, PTSD, sleep disorders, anxiety, trauma
- Preventive medicine, Medicine 3.0
- Classic single remedies and complex homeopathy
- Various hypnotherapy methods and interventions
- Acupuncture (whole body, ear, homeosiniatry)
- Neural therapy
- Energetic healing
- Speaker and teacher for integrative biological medicine at national and international congresses and medical training courses
- Member of the scientific advisory board of naturopathic medical associations
- Numerous publications (textbook for doctors, scientific articles, books for laypeople, appearances on public television)

Dr. med. Daniela MandaSpecialist in internal medicine and cardiology (D), cardiovascular intensive care and emergency medicine, cardiovascular prevention, RAVA ear acupuncture
Profile of Dr. med. Daniela Manda
State examination
- Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Victor Babeș", Romania 2011
- Licensed to practice medicine by the Düsseldorf district government 2012
- German, English, Romanian
- Specialist in internal medicine and cardiology (DE)
- Intensive Care Medicine (DE)
- Fellowship Interventional Cardiology - AGIK DGK Academy
- Antibiotic Stewardship - ABS Expert - German Society for Krankenhaushygiene e.V.
- DGK Arterial Hypertension Expert Course
- Special cardiovascular prevention of the DGK
- Additional qualification in cardiovascular intensive care and emergency medicine
- Rescue service expertise
- Specialist knowledge in radiation protection
- RAVA ear acupuncture
- INUSpheresis®
- Diagnostics and therapy of cardiological diseases
- Cardiovascular prevention
- Ear acupuncture
- INUSpheresis®

Beatrix BernhardtMedical masseuse EFA

Maria Dobler-GisigerSwiss certified naturopath TEN

Simona PossaCraniosacral therapist

Ana Paola Gil EureaMedical practice assistant

Tina BrunnerMedical practice assistant

Fie ZellerHealth specialist

Andreas Pezold Medical practice assistant

Sabrina LocherCertified nursing specialist HF

Cayan Altiner Medical practice assistant

Benedetta Landvik-ManninoMedical practice assistant

Tanja InauenHealth specialist

Ursula Nägeli-EbneterEnergetician / Geomancer

Andrina EngelerDeputy head of private pharmacy,
pharmaceutical assistant

Reisa MusicPharmaceutical assistant

Alpstein Dental
Alpstein Dental

Dr. med. dent. Josef Vizkelety,
Dr. med. (HU) MSc Senior Dentist and Dental Director
Profile of Dr. med. Josef Vizkelety
State examination
- Szeged, Hungary 2008 (Human Medicine)
- Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 2013 (Dentistry)
- Krems Austria 2018 (Master of Oral Surgery & Implantology -MSc)
- German, English, Hungarian
- Intensive care medicine
- Surgery
- Acute internal medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Oral surgery
- General medicine as a police medical officer
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Oral surgery & implantology
- Practical experience in England, Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- General dentistry
- Metal-free, minimally invasive conservative and prosthetic dentistry
- Ceramic implants
- Oral surgery
- Implantology
- Periodontology
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Interdisciplinary medicine/dentistry
- Speaker and teacher for integrative biological dentistry at national and international congresses

Dr. med. dent. Eleni Schrüfer Integrative biological dentistry, environmental dentistry, periodontology, aesthetic dentistry, oral surgery, implantology, Invisalign therapy
Profile of Dr. med. dent. Eleni Schrüfer
State examination
- Erlangen, Germany 2018
- German, English, Spanish
- General dentistry
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Oral surgery and implantology
- Practical experience in Germany, Switzerland and Chile
- General dentistry
- Metal-free, minimally invasive conservative and prosthetic dentistry
- Oral surgery and implantology
- Periodontology
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Invisalign therapy

Janine ForrerSwiss certified prophylaxis assistant

Altina Kastrati Practice administrator

Jasmin DaassiDental assistant


Annette HeusserCEO
Statement of Frau Heusser

Tobias BischofCommercial Manager

Heike LehmannAssistant to the management

Katja GrimmHead of Inpatient Management

Maria InauenService billing specialist, Swiss certified hospital expert

Marianne FritscheService Accounting Specialist

Vilma BibajService accounting clerk

Tamara Koller Service accounting clerk

Kim PreisingCoordinator for day patients

Selina KnillCoordinator for day patients

Nele SperrCoordinator Partial Inpatients

Sarah LendenmannHead of Secretariat

Jasmin WittwerMedical secretary

Ramona KollerMedical secretary

Elisabeth HunzikerMedical secretary

Léane SturzeneggerMedical secretary

Aline IsenringMedical secretary

Nicoletta MastrandreaEmployee General Services/Cleaning

Mariastella Spalletta Capitano Employee General Services/Cleaning

Paula MoreiraEmployee General Services/Cleaning

Ilham Ilg-Lotfi Employee General Services/Cleaning

Teresa CardoneEmployee General Services/Cleaning
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