Our partnersTogether we are stronger

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Our laboratory partner is one of the largest diagnostic providers in Europe and the only one to combine laboratory medicine, imaging and pathology diagnostics under one roof.


At more than 35 locations with over 800 employees and around 60 scientists, Unilabs uses its expertise in laboratory medicine, imaging and pathology to provide answers to diagnostic questions in all medical disciplines. The catalogue of services includes more than 2,000 different tests from all areas of diagnostics, including:


  • Laboratory Medicine
  • Cellular pathology
  • Medical imaging
  • Special analytics
  • Services for
  • drug development
  • Reproductive medicine and
  • genetics

In 2017, Unilabs decided to internalize the passion and excitement of the employees that sets Unilabs apart from other diagnostics providers. The results were mission (order), motto (promise to the customer) and mantra (basic attitude).


Mission: At the beginning and at the center of all successful diagnostic decisions


Motto: We have the answer to all questions about care


Mantra: CARE BIG


CARE BIG reminds us that excellence in diagnostics depends on the people who are at the center of the process.

Do you already know the latest generation of our BIOCHECK UP Programm?

Logo Biocheck Up

BIOCHECK UP is an early detection programme for risks and disorders associated with diseases of civilisation. We have structured the content of the Check Up according to profiles, you choose your profile according to your personal preference.




Our range of profiles has been expanded to include current topics such as nutritional balance/ vegetarianism, intestinal health, daily and sleep patterns and much more. Discover our complete range of profiles on the website: www.biocheckup.ch.

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More Information
COLOX® Colorectal cancer screening with a simple blood test. Patients who have Helsana Primeo supplementary insurance receive a 90% reimbursement of the Colox test.

In Switzerland, 5 people die of colorectal cancer every day, although early detection increases the chances of survival by over 90%!rhöht!

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Satisfied practitioners and patients since 1981


We would like to introduce you to a new, gentle and painless method of removing biofilm and tartar, “Guided Biofilm Therapy”, or GBT for short. We are convinced that this treatment concept, which is based on the latest scientific findings and technical advances, fits perfectly into the quality and treatment standards of the Alpstein Clinic and generates high added value for you as our patient. We are therefore very pleased to be able to offer you this method in our clinic with immediate effect in the areas of prophylaxis/tooth cleaning and periodontal therapy.


Let us introduce GBT to you in detail in the following sections and see why the concept is so different and special that we have been specially certified for it as a dental practice at the Alpstein Clinic. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you to our clinic soon for a prophylaxis using the GBT method.

Vierte StufeHarmonisieren

Damit Körper, Geist und Seele wieder in Einklang zu bringen, sollte man sich selbst annehmen und wertschätzen. Dafür bieten wir Ihnen in der Alpstein Clinic ein ideales Umfeld, in dem Sie zu sich selbst finden und neue Kraft schöpfen können.

Dritte StufeRegenerieren und Stimulieren

Erholung fördern und Abwehr anregen: Mit einer grossen Palette an unspezifischen und spezifischem Immunstimulanzien, immunstärkenden Massnahmen wie Hyperthermie, Infusionen, Ozontherapie und Colonhydroptherapie stimulieren wir die humorale und zelluläre Abwehr. Das Anregen und Vitalisieren aller Organe und körperlicher Strukturen sind Komponenten unseres ganzheitlichen Konzeptes.

Zweite StufeAusleiten und Entlasten

Nun konzentrieren wir uns auf ein ausgeglichenes inneres Milieu des Körpers und schaffen damit die Basis für einen Heilungserfolg. Wichtige Instrumente sind dabei die Zahnsanierung, die Darmsanierung oder die Entgiftung der Organe. In dieser Phase setzen wir die Blut-Plasma-Doppelmembran-Filtration (INUSpherese®) und eine ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie ein und reduzieren schrittweise nebenwirkungsreiche Medikamente der konventionellen Medizin.

Step fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Step twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage oneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.

Stage fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Stage twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage OneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.