Dr. med. dent. Elvira Henney-Wenz, DDS
Head Dentist, General and Interdisciplinary Dentistry, conservative and prosthetic dentistry, oral surgery, Implantology, environmental dentistry, functional therapy and temporomandibular joint treatment
(CMD therapy), Kinesiology

Dentistry with vision – thinking, acting, and treating holistically.
Metal-free dentistry in favor of best Aesthetic and reliability

State examination
- Licensed dentist 1990
- Doctorate Dr. med. dent. 1995

German, English

- Curriculum Implantology
- Certificate of Achievement Oral Implantology
- Advanced Practical Implantology
- Curriculum Environmental Dentistry
- DVT Certificate

- General Dentistry
- Metal-free, minimally invasive conservative and prosthetic dentistry
- Periodontology
- Implantology and oral surgery
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Environmental dentistry / incompatibilities in dentistry
- TMJ therapy (CMD), adjustment of the bite position in myocentric
- Kinesiology
- Lecturer for environmental dentistry and interdisciplinary dentistry

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