Integrative whole-body medicine

Welcome to the Alpstein Clinic

Highly innovative blood plasma purification to strengthen the immune system and self-healing powers


Therapeutic INUSpheresis®

Blutplasmareiningung als therapeutische INUSpherese in der Alpstein Clinic in Gais!

A special “blood plasma filtration process” has been developed for the rapid, effective elimination of hazardous substances from the body on a significant scale:  INUSpherese®.

We offer this procedure as a certified INUS partner in Switzerland and have access to the worldwide wealth of experience in apheresis therapy thanks to our close cooperation with the  INUS-center in Cham (Germany)


Whole-body examination for individual prevention and therapy planning


Alpstein Clinic PREMIUM Check-up™

The Alpstein PREMIUM Check-up covers all relevant risk factors that are known to cause chronic diseases and cancer. Our diagnostic procedures are evidence-based, objective and suitable for everyone at any age.

Ein Symboldbild des Checkups in der Alpstein Clinic in Gais