Tooth cleaningPrevention is the best cure

Optimal oral and dental care is an important cornerstone of whole-body medicine and biophysiological/holistic dentistry.

Fillings, crowns, bridges, dental implants or dentures are not as resilient and resistant as your own healthy teeth. Prevent this – through daily, thorough cleaning at home, an individual dental care program and regular professional dental cleaning/dental hygiene.

Biofilm managementDental cleaning is more than just removing tartar

Regular dental check-ups are important so that no unnecessary “construction sites” can develop and so that preventive, minimally invasive action can be taken. The professional removal of soft dental plaque, tartar and the management of oral flora, i.e. biofilm management, is an important contribution to preventing tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth loss. Gum diseases are not isolated diseases of the oral cavity, but are interrelated with the entire organism. The pathogenic bacteria enter the rest of the body via the mucous membranes and digestive organs. The biofilm can be a trigger, but conversely it can also be an expression of a general disease. Studies show that the inflammatory bacteria in periodontitis in particular have health effects on the entire body, make other organs ill and thus cause modern civilization diseases.

Professional  tooth cleaning and prophylaxis

Professional  tooth cleaning and prophylaxis

Tooth cleaning is a safe method of tooth preservation and also an important support in gingivitis and periodontitis therapy. It prevents the spread of harmful bacteria from the oral cavity to the entire body. It also helps to protect and maintain healthy teeth and the early detection of tooth decay. Caries (also known as tooth decay) is promoted by inflammatory bacteria in the oral flora. Milk teeth are particularly susceptible to caries. We also take prophylaxis for pregnant women and children very seriously at the Alpstein Clinic. The development of an individual dental care program has also proved very successful as a supportive therapy.

With the gentle, painless and modern method of Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), our trained prophylaxis assistant can gently and carefully remove plaque and tartar. GBT is painless, quick, safe and helps to preserve your teeth into old age. GBT supports your health – for a lifetime. This method follows technical progress and meets the high quality standards of treatment at the Alpstein Clinic.

Eight steps  to perfect teeth cleaning

GBT is based on 8 treatment steps and is the result of years of clinical research.

It uses proven methods and the latest cutting-edge technology to remove biofilm in a minimally invasive way.

Guided Biofilm Therapy ®

01. Assessment and infection control
02. Staining
03. Motivation
07. Quality control and fluoridation
08. New recall date
Guided Biofilm Therapy ®
01. Assessment and infection control
Assess oral health and observe hygiene measures

Rinse with BacterX® PRO for one minute to protect yourself and the dental team

02. Staining
Staining and visualising biofilm

Biofilm (also known as plaque) is barely visible to the naked eye. It can only be completely removed once it has become visible by staining.

03. Motivation
Instruct and motivate

By staining the biofilm, you can see where you can improve your oral hygiene at home.
Your dental team will show you the right aids and how to use them correctly.

Remove biofilm, discolouration and young tartar

The EMS AIRFLOW® technology gently removes discolouration and biofilm from teeth, restorations, implants, mucous membranes, including in moderate gingival pockets and from the tongue with PLUS powder, air and warm water: this is gentle and minimally invasive prophylaxis

Remove biofilm in pockets >4 to 9 mm

Biofilm (plaque) is gently and thoroughly removed from deep gum pockets and implants using EMS PERIOFLOW® technology.

Remove remaining tartar

Targeted removal of tartar with EMS PIEZON® PS NO PAIN technology. The treatment is painless and gentle.

07. Quality control and fluoridation
Making patients shine

Check whether biofilm, discolouration and tartar have been completely removed. Caries can only be diagnosed on clean teeth. The treatment is completed with the fluoridation of your perfectly clean teeth. No more polishing necessary.

08. New recall date
Healthy patient = happy patient

Arrange your next appointment.

Advantages of  GBT

Consistent quality standard  of cleaning

As a clinical protocol together with Swiss precision equipment, GBT guarantees a consistently high standard of quality for your professional dental cleaning.

Fluoride-free  treatment

We also pay attention to fluoride-free products during treatment.

Making the biofilm  visible

Biofilm is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. To make the invisible visible, the first step in GBT therapy is to stain the teeth. This not only makes tartar visible, but also any bacterial plaque.

Gentle and painless  cleaning

We clean the root surface using ultrasound and curettage, and clean the neck of the tooth with hand instruments. This is followed by polishing using a rubber cup and polishing paste.

Prophylaxis for  pregnant women, children and braces wearers

Dental cleaning for generations, sensitive and professional

The hormonal situation changes during pregnancy, so nausea or severe retching can occur more frequently. During this time in particular, many pregnant patients suffer from gum inflammation and sensitive teeth, and such inflammation has a negative effect on the expected newborn.

Pregnancy is a special time. Take care of your health and do something good for yourself and your unborn child. Our prophylactic treatment with GBT has proven its worth for pregnant women to maintain their health.

Providing for healthy teethfrom an early age

Dental prophylaxis begins with the first milk tooth, as milk teeth are, among other things, placeholders for the permanent teeth that follow and should remain for as long as possible.̈ From the age of six, individual prophylaxis is highly recommended for children twice a year. From the age of 6 to 12, a child’s dentition changes fundamentally. The permanent teeth replace the milk teeth. Immediately after eruption, these are particularly susceptible to tooth decay. The individual caries prevention program at the Alpstein Clinic therefore provides intensive care for 6 to 18-year-olds so that even the youngest children can enjoy healthy, strong teeth for a long time.

Beautiful and healthy teeth despite braces

Prophylaxis is also an ideal way for braces wearers to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Dental prophylaxis focuses not only on cleaning teeth, but also on educating people about topics such as nutrition and instructing them on various oral hygiene products

Janine Forrer – Eidg. dipl. Prophylaxeassistentin

Janine ForrerSwiss certified prophylaxis assistant

The most beautiful thing you can wear is a smile.
Schweizer Kreuz

Dental cleaning preventsContact us now

Use our patient questionnaire so that we can get to know you better.

Get in touch with us today and arrange an appointment.

Vierte StufeHarmonisieren

Damit Körper, Geist und Seele wieder in Einklang zu bringen, sollte man sich selbst annehmen und wertschätzen. Dafür bieten wir Ihnen in der Alpstein Clinic ein ideales Umfeld, in dem Sie zu sich selbst finden und neue Kraft schöpfen können.

Dritte StufeRegenerieren und Stimulieren

Erholung fördern und Abwehr anregen: Mit einer grossen Palette an unspezifischen und spezifischem Immunstimulanzien, immunstärkenden Massnahmen wie Hyperthermie, Infusionen, Ozontherapie und Colonhydroptherapie stimulieren wir die humorale und zelluläre Abwehr. Das Anregen und Vitalisieren aller Organe und körperlicher Strukturen sind Komponenten unseres ganzheitlichen Konzeptes.

Zweite StufeAusleiten und Entlasten

Nun konzentrieren wir uns auf ein ausgeglichenes inneres Milieu des Körpers und schaffen damit die Basis für einen Heilungserfolg. Wichtige Instrumente sind dabei die Zahnsanierung, die Darmsanierung oder die Entgiftung der Organe. In dieser Phase setzen wir die Blut-Plasma-Doppelmembran-Filtration (INUSpherese®) und eine ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie ein und reduzieren schrittweise nebenwirkungsreiche Medikamente der konventionellen Medizin.

Step fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Step twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage oneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.

Stage fourHarmonize

In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, you need to accept and appreciate yourself. At the Alpstein Clinic, we offer you an ideal environment in which you can find yourself and recharge your batteries.

Stage threeRegenerate and stimulate

In this step, we promote recovery and stimulate the immune system: We stimulate the humoral and cellular defenses with a wide range of non-specific and specific immune stimulants, immune-boosting measures such as hyperthermia, infusions, ozone therapy and colon hydrotherapy. The stimulation and vitalization of all organs and physical structures are components of our holistic concept.

Stage twoDetox and relieve

We now concentrate on creating a balanced internal environment in the body, thereby creating the basis for successful healing. Important instruments here are dental cleansing, intestinal cleansing and detoxification of the organs. In this phase, we use blood plasma double membrane filtration (INUSpheresis® ) and holistic pain therapy and gradually reduce the use of conventional medicines that have many side effects.

Stage OneAnalyse causes

In the first step, we work with you to get to the bottom of the possible causes of your complaints. We examine possible interference fields, toxic loads, environmental factors, deficiencies, malnutrition and stress factors. This is followed by a comprehensive physical and dental examination. This is followed by further diagnostic measures such as blood, stool, saliva and urine tests, thermography and other tools.